
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

There was a boy and a girl..
Boy proposed the girl and girl agreed.
She always used to say that my heart is nt mine its always with you.
&I m living wid no heart
After few months girl said dat i cant marry u
bcz my parents hv gud hope on me
bt we'll b frnds 4evr.
Aftr few months girl got married wid another boy
Aftr 2 days of her wedding,
She ws luking his wedding gfts.
She came across a gift & starts crying.
D gift was d HEART packed in a glass jar wid Full of blood. The lid of d jar was attached with d paper.. Written on it '' HeY stupid ur heart is with me na thn wht wil u giv 2 ur wife ??

Please comment give to this feeling...


hi said...

Beautiful very nice

hi said...

very nice

Roja said...

nice but according to me their is no relation with love and the merriage, love is diffrent world merriage is diffrent world and if you expect true love and romantic in marriage life then life will be difficult.Merriage like companian to each other and You don't have to give and take hearts between each other. love only the one need hearts.marriage is time pass of life.